Thermocouple Cable
Thermocouple Cables are used to measure the
temperature directly.
Thermocouple Extension or Compensating
wires are only used to extend a thermocouple
signal from a sensor to instrument for
Thermocouple Cables
Thermocouple Cables are used to measure the
temperature directly.
Thermocouple Extension or Compensating
wires are only used to extend a thermocouple
signal from a sensor to instrument for
Technical Details:
• Construction: Single/Multi Core
• Voltage Grade: Upto 1.1 kV
• Conductor: TC, EX, C
• Type of Conductor: K, T, J, E, N, R, S, B, D, C
• Conductor Size: AWG12 to AWG32
• Conductor Stranding: Solid or Multi Strand
• Core Insulation: PVC, PTFE, FEP, PFA, ETFE, Silicon, Polyimide, Fibre Glass, Ceramic Fibre
• Armouring: G.I. Armouring/SS Braiding (for high temperature)
• Standards: ANSI MC 96.1, IEC 584.3, IS 8784
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